Terms and Conditions
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Terms and Conditions
“EcoSET. Ecology, Science, Education and Technology. Ways to Internationalise the Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology in Areas of Research and Education” – Terms and Conditions for the Project
1. General Information
1.1. The project “EcoSET. Ecology, Science, Education and Technology. Ways to Internationalise the Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology in Areas of Research and Education” (hereinafter referred to as “EcoSET”) is carried out between 1 October 2019 and 30 September 2022 by three faculties of the Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as “PBS”): Faculty of Civil and Enviromental Engineering and Architecture (hereinafter referred to as “WBAiIŚ”), Faculty of Animal Breeding and Biology (hereinafter referred to as “WHiBZ”) and Faculty of Design (hereinafter referred to as “WSP”)) within the International Academic Partnerships Programme of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (“NAWA”).
1.2. The aim of the project is to increase the level of internationalisation in research and education at PBS in Bydgoszcz.
1.3. The scope of the project includes shared research activities in the following disciplines: civil engineering and transport, architecture and urban planning (at WBAiIŚ), animal science and fisheries (at WHiBZ) and fine arts and art conservation (WSP) .
1.4. EcoSET is carried out in cooperation with the following Partners:
- University of Beira Interior, Portugal
- Tarleton State University, United States of America
- Adana Science and Technology University, Turkey
- University of Molise, Italy
- Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany
- Aarhus University, Denmark,
- Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy
- University of Maryland, United States of America
- National Center for Biodiversity and Gene Conservation, Hungary
- Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic
- Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey.
1.5. The Project has a dedicated website: ecoset.utp.edu.pl and e-mail address: ecoset@pbs.edu.pl.
2. Project Management
2.1. 2.1. The Project is coordinated by PBS, represented by Professor Marek Bednarczyk authorised by the PBS Rector.
2.2. For the purposes of the Project a Project Management Team (hereinafter referred to as PMT) is appointed at PBS. The PMT consists of:
- Project Manager / WHiBZ Coordinator: Professor Marek Bednarczyk
- WHiBZ Administrative and Financial Specialist: Magdalena Kolenda, PhD Eng.
- WBAiIŚ Coordinator: Magdalena Dobiszewska, PhD Eng.
- Administrative and Financial Specialist: Agata Bukaluk, MSc Eng.
and Partners’ representatives who are PMT honorary members:
- University of Beira Interior: Dr. Pedro Serrão, Science and Technology Manager,
- Tarleton State University: Barry Lambert, Associate Vice President, Research and Innovation Dean, College of Graduate Studies,
- Adana Science and Technology University: Ahmet Beycioğlu, Vice Dean of Engineering Faculty,
- University of Molise: Giuseppe Maiorano, Head of Doctoral Studies at Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences,
- Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen: Professor Gesine Lühken,
- Aarhus University: Margrethe Therkildsen, Associate Professor,
- Polytechnic University of Bari: Prof. Andrea Petrella,
- University of Maryland: Prof. Dr. Mirosław Skibniewski,
- National Center for Biodiversity and Gene Conservation: Patakiné Dr. Várkonyi Eszter, CSc.,
- Mendel University in Brno: Prof. Dr. Eng. Petr Sláma,
- Ondokuz Mayıs University: Prof. Dr. Hasan Ónder.
2.3. For the purpose of the Project three bodies: Recruitment Team for Mobilities, Publications Assessment Team and Conference Team shall be established. The teams shall consist of PMT representatives and other individuals who shall be appointed by the Project Manager.
2.4. Quarterly PMT meetings shall be held in order to discuss progress in the Project execution. If need be, Partners’ representatives shall participate via teleconference. Reports on the execution of the Project shall be produced after every quarterly PMT meeting. Important part of the reports will be devoted to financial statements.
3. Tasks Carried Out within the Project
3.1. The Following tasks shall be carried out within the Project:
- Task 1. Organisation of mobilities.
- Task 2. Subsidising common scientific publications.
- Task 3. Subsidising participation in international conferences.
- Task 4. Organisation of a closing conference to sum up the Project.
3.1.1. Task 1. Organisation of mobilities.
Recruitment process shall be conducted through an Internet application.
Applications (in English) should include a short CV (information about earlier achievements etc.) and the following information:
- the mobility type (a research visit, job shadowing, study visit, establishing new contacts etc.),
- the purpose of the visit and expected results,
- a summary of earlier cooperation with the host institution (if applicable),
- the list of reagents and small extra materials necessary to conduct research (if applicable) – each time the applicant shall provide justification for the subsidisation and a detailed cost assessment. The estimated amount of subsidisation per day 30 PLN, however, the actual amount shall be paid based on the submitted cost assessment.
The Invitation Letter shall be presented as a confirmation that the Partner will receive the applicant within the given timeframe.
The Recruitment Team for Mobilities shall conduct three recruitment sessions for this task.They will be held continuously.
Announcements regarding recruitment shall be posted on the Project website and so shall be the list of applicants who have qualified for the mobility. The decision of the Recruitment Team for Mobilities is final and cannot be appealed against.
Individuals participating in Task 1 shall deliver lectures addressed to students and employees of respective Partner institutions and shall submit a Visit Report to the Faculty Coordinator / Project Manager.
Individuals who apply for the participation in mobilities shall demonstrate communicative command of English as a minimum.
In case the applicant is a member of the Recruitment Team for Mobilities, they shall be excluded from the evaluation of their application.
3.1.2. Task 2. Subsidising common scientific publications.
The project provides funds for publications in reputable international journals. Preference will be given to journals with a high IF.
Only publications that qualify for publishing in magazines indexed in Scopus, Web of Science or in reviewed material from international conferences indexed in the above mentioned databases will be taken into account.
Recruitment will be conducted through an Internet application.
Applications should include the following information:
- Article title,
- Journal name,
- final version of the article,
- Estimated cost to be subsidised.
The Publications Assessment Team shall conduct two recruitment sessions for this task. They will be held continuously.
Announcements regarding recruitment shall be posted on the Project website and so shall be the list of applicants who have qualified for publishing subsidisation. The decision of the Publications Assessment Team is final and cannot be appealed against.
In case the applicant is a member of the Publications Assessment Team, they shall be excluded from the evaluation of their application.
If an article or scientific paper is going to be published in an international journal thanks to the support obtained from the Project funds, the author, or co-author affiliated to PBS or a Partner institution shall include the following information regarding funds obtained from NAWA:
„This article/material has been supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under Grant No. PPI/APM/2019/1/00003”.
Failure to provide this information may result in the cost not being classified as eligible. Besides, after the publication, the author shall, without unnecessary delay, make the publication available under the free licence (e.g. Creative Commons CC BY) at least as a preprint unless the publisher’s license allows the final version of the published text to be opened.
3.1.3. Task 3. Subsidising UTP employees’ participation in international conferences combined with presentation of achievements in form of a lecture or a poster.
Within the Project, participation of PBS employees in international conferences combined with presentation of achievements in form of a lecture or a poster shall be subsidised.
Within the project visits to the following international conferences have been planned:
- ICEUBI2019 – International Congress on Engineering – Engineering for Evolution (http://iceubi.ubi.pt/)
- WMCAUS 2020 5th World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering – Architecture – Urban Planning Symposium – WMCAUS (www.wmcaus.org)
- ICEUBI2022 – International Congress on Engineering – Engineering for Evolution (http://iceubi.ubi.pt/)
- WMCAUS 2021 6th World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering – Architecture – Urban Planning Symposium – WMCAUS (www.wmcaus.org)
- WMCAUS 2022 7th World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering – Architecture – Urban Planning Symposium – WMCAUS (www.wmcaus.org)
For WHiBZ:
- 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (http://www.eaap.org/annual-meetings/future-annual-meetings/),
- 26th World’s Poultry Congress 2020 (https://www.wpcparis2020.com/)
3.1.4. Task 4. Organisation of a closing conference to sum up the Project.
A two-day closing conference is planned to sum up the project with Partner representatives attending.
The conference will be held at PBS.
The conference shall be conducted in English, 20% of the Scientific Committee members will come from Partner institutions and 1/3 of the speakers will come from Partner institutions.
A Conference Team shall be established in order to ensure smooth and valuable conduct of work over Task 4.
4. Project schedule

5. Final provisions
5.1. The Terms and Conditions shall be available on the Project website and with PMT members.
5.2. PMT reserves the right to make changes to Terms and Conditions during the execution of the Project.
5.3. The Terms and Conditions enter into force on the day of signature.
Professor Marek Bednarczyk
Project Manager